SINCE 1993

Providing Concrete Pumping Services


Since 1993, Kootenay Concrete Pumping has been pumping concrete for house foundations, hotels, parkades, bridges and more. We have the experienced professionals and modern equipment to handle construction projects of all size and we will get your concrete where you need it. We are also available 24/7, so you can count on us to help you meet your critical deadlines whether your construction project is in Cranbrook, BC or Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

We cover a lot of ground to cover our customers' needs and you can count on us to get the job done properly and on time.


Schwing® Boom Pumps

Kootenay Concrete Pumping operates 32, 34 and 42 meter Schwing® boom pumps. The equipment is reliable as well as an industry standard.

Line Pumping

We do basement floors using 3-inch line, shop floors -big or small- , parkade slabs, bin slabs, saw mills, high-rise condos, ski resorts, hospitals, arenas and shopping centres. Chances are, we have enough line to get your concrete to wherever it needs to be.

Satisfied Customers

Whatever it takes, wherever it is, all day, all night, we are up to the challenge. Kootenay Concrete Pumping is available 24/7 and are capable of pours that last for 20 hours or more and we can get concrete anywhere you need it.

Our accomplishments include the Kicking Horse Ski Resort in Golden where the gondola receiving station and top five tower uses stretched the limit; over 500 feet from the pump. We were also there for PomaCanada. When Kicking Horse expanded to the upper basin, PomaCanada called us back. Again, we used 500 feet of line at the top of one of Canada's highest ski resorts.

Contact Us

Contact Information

Kootenay Concrete Pumping has been involved with several projects over the years with many satisfied customers. We welcome the opportunity to make you one of them! We can handle construction projects of all sizes.

With offices in Cranbrook and Moose Jaw, we can serve all your concrete placement needs in large areas of British Columbia and Saskatchewan.

FAX: 1-250-427-1710

Head Office

3008 Wycliffe Store Road
Cranbrook, BC
V1C 7C5

Moose Jaw

P.O. Box 1766
Moose Jaw, SK
S6H 7K8

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